Monday, 6 February 2017

OUGD405: studio brief 1- study task 2 - Objective Symbols of Subjective Things

We were tasked with using objective words and using only shape and colour to communicate these words subjectively. I chose 3 words. Within each word i tried experimenting with a range of materials and techniques to communicate the word. . I did this through representing the the words with shapes considering the impact scale and clarity, to effectively communicate my words. I looked at synonyms of the words to give me a broader depth of understanding of the word allow me to not be so precious and tight with my ideas. I Initially loosely sketched ideas and then went on to experiment with manipulating, overlaying, collaging, drawing with tape, mono printing and using colour. I tried to embrace an open style trying these techniques with range of materials.

Rebellion: excluding/ uprising/ evolving/ expanding/ expansion/ change 

Monoprints using shapes for rebellion:

Obscure: distorted/ hidden/ unclear/ uncertain/ unkown/ faint/ vague

Monoprints using shapes for obscure:

Sublime: equal/ clean/ perfect/ shar/ sleek/ elevated/ majectic

Monoprints using shapes for sublime:

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