Sunday, 13 November 2016

studio brief 2: further developement OUGD403

After developing some ideas that I liked. I then chose the two most liked by people in my interim crit. From this I went on to develop these to designs through seeing what style of font they should be in i.e. bold italic, etc. from this I had to make a personal decision on what font I thought was most functional to represent the word suave. I found the Helvetica style not nearly as impactful when done using the letters abcde. Even so, I felt the bold was by far the most successful making the serifs stand out and give it a sharp personality.

Using Bodoni, I feel worked really well and create a more fluent letter forms through using more than one type of serif and manipulating the letters. only keeping the original contrast between thick and thin strokes.

I chose to take Bodoni forward as my chosen font. I then went on to do a small mock up of the full alphabet lower case in this style. It worked really well and letters all worked with each other.

After I knew fore sure that this was my final design I took to the drawing boards and drew on a larger scale all the letters. This allowed me to then scan and use illustrator to trace over the letters to create the most professional clean aesthetic as possible.

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