Thursday, 18 May 2017

OUGD406: Group Film: Initial ideas

Initially we had envisaged filming a normal day in the life of graphics student at lca. This would have consisted of an average day and challenges you face, for example being late, non productive crits etc. Although we liked this idea it wasn’t feasible with the time constraints we had.

Moving the idea forward we decided on changing it to the day in the life of a hand in, this was appropriate as we filmed on a real hand in day. Before starting to film we created a simple storyboard following two characters. The organised student is prepared the night before and gets an early night and wakes up to her alarm on time. This contrasts with the last minute student, trying to pull an all nighter, failing and waking up late. This is followed by the organised student checking over her work and uploading the blogs before waiting in line before the hand in starts. Meanwhile the late student runs in and has the mission of completing his blogs and printing. Finishing the short film of with the late student not making the hand in by 1 minute. This aims to show the first years the mistakes to avoid making, as well as hopefully being humorous at the same time.

Split screen:
The concept we had was to have the two students running a split screen. This would show them at the same times and how their behaviour and actions were very different due to the amount of work the had left. Although I liked this idea, the shots of the two characters and the timings were two different as well as it being to time consuming when it came to editing. To solve this problem, we alternated between characters still communicating the two stories well.

Film angles:
From some previous film experience, I knew that having more than 1 camera and filming from a range of angles adds a lot to a short film. It keeps the audience interested and feels like you are properly following the character. We also tried to capture as many of the same kind of shots for both characters for consistency.

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