Wednesday, 17 May 2017

OUGD406: Substrate Group: research

We thought it would be very important as one of the first things to do, to go and check out the exhibition space. I found the useful and it made it a lot easier to visualise ideas as well as have an idea of what was realistic with space we had.

Looking at branding for other events:

This is branding for this year's annual D&AD awards. I feel the branding here is so strong. With these set of animations the creators have used previous winners works within them. Celebrating the past whilst also welcoming in the new comers. Although all the animation are very different they are still consistent with the pencil. 

This branding by OK-RM, which was initially designed for a large scale exhibition of contemporary art from Latin America, which was shown in the South London Gallery, Guggenheim and UBS. It uses repeated patterns, shapes and grid throughout the branding. Bright bold colour are used to intrigue the audience. These shapes and colours are influenced by work within the exhibition giving the audience a glimpse into the exhibition. Using these attractive colours and borrowing shapes from the work is a path which we could think about taking.

Morag Myerscough and Luke Morgan installed a new design for the Pavilion of Birmingham Library. It was completed by Dutch studio Mecanoo. It is aimed at challenging people's perceptions of what libraries can offer. The bright coloured words come from workshops the designers held with youth art groups. This library is meant to push the limits and offer new experiences and push what I library can do. I feel this in your face design works really well at communicating this isn’t just a normal library.

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